Penned down my thoughts as I contemplate on purpose, nudged by #coachingconversations had recently on the topic.
Hope it inspires some of you to contemplate on your ‘purpose’ too!
It is in the tiny lived moments,
It is also in the tiny unlived whispers.
It is in the urges and instincts we have always had,
It is also in the knowledge we feel in our hearts.
It is in the questions we ask ourselves,
It is in the answers that may never be validated by an external something – the assessor is you.
Sometimes it is left unheard and untouched,
But it has been ‘you’ in all lifetimes.
Purpose is not fixed, it is adaptable
You know when you are on purpose, and when not
“On purpose” – you feel satisfaction
“Off purpose” – you feel emptiness
Purpose seeks time for contemplation,
Purpose seeks no time, at times.
Living on purpose may not be easy,
But living on purpose may not be tough.
You live it, as long as you don’t come in its way,
You live it, when you recognize what is yours,
And what is handed over to you to ‘believe’ as yours.
Purpose is not external,
And yet every relationship is an opportunity;
To find your deeper relationship with your own true purpose
– Harmeet
#purposefulliving #purposeandvalues #purposefulconversations