Emotions are not reactions to the world. You are not a passive receiver of sensory input but an active constructor of your emotions – Dr Lisa Feldman
Emotions are not reactions to the world. You are not a passive receiver of sensory input but an active constructor of your emotions – Dr Lisa Feldman
Care for one’s well-being or others’ wellbeing at its core is a spiritual practice. Reflection in the act of achieving holistic wellbeing plays a powerfully potent role. Reflection is the act of being with your BEING. What can be more potent than this medicine. Tweet During breakdowns in health and wellbeing, reflection is a process that can… Continue reading Reflection leads to Well-being
“The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.” Robert Jordan If your “2-year-old” self comes face to face with your “current self”, who would he/she be looking at? A resilient self hopefully. Resilience is a trait innate to humankind. That’s how the 2-year-old self learned how to… Continue reading Flexibility and resilience
I was skimming through movies that have impacted me and ‘Hidden Figures’ stood out as one of them. And of all the inspiring threads that the movie was made of, I would like to share 3 messages for visionary leaders in this VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world from the movie. 1.Articulating a Vision… Continue reading 3 Leadership Lessons from “Hidden Figures”
Last weekend I participated in a Transactional Analysis workshop conducted by P. K Saru who is an Internationally-accredited Teaching and Supervising TA Analyst. During the workshop, I was reminded of the precept “Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude” by Victor Frankl. In my practice, I have found that executives are often subject to an unseen-unspoken norm of “we… Continue reading Emotions at Work
Yesterday again we woke up in a rush. It was when we walked to school that my daughter shared with me some interesting happenings. We laughed together and she observed this morning walk was the time we actually talk in a day. Now I have given up working as a full time employee, for her. I think… Continue reading What’s your Intention?
My musings on mindfulness practice… “What do I look for when there is nothing to gaze at? What do I hear, when I still all noises without ‘n within? What do I feel, when I open myself to myself? What do I say, when I commune silently with my soul herein? Being present to a piece… Continue reading Being present to a piece of peace
1. “Part” has the potential to fully support “the whole” and become “wholesome” In the “Forward Bend Pose”, I cannot forget doing the “Mountain Pose”. We are conditioned to look at “parts” as having core competencies. Thereby limiting the role of the “part” around only those competencies. We forget that there is huge potential in the… Continue reading Yoga – Lessons for Life 2