
Perfection – The Robber!

Familiar with the quote – ‘Perfection is the Enemy of Good’ – by Voltaire? If you are like most, you would believe that having heard, read or known something that holds wisdom, we automatically imbibe that in our life. Let me call out a misconception first – we don’t change by knowing things, we change… Continue reading Perfection – The Robber!

Intuition and the pink sparkly sandals

It’s Janmashtmi evening. Celebrations are on in the society where security measures are known to be tight. But this evening is special. People from outside are trickling in. Guards are fewer in number, many busy with putting up the dahi haandis. Hundreds of mumbaikars in a celebratory mood. Few hours later lights about to go off. By… Continue reading Intuition and the pink sparkly sandals