
Three Powerful Portals of Healing

We are living at the epitome of uncertainty, facing a seemingly invincible foe and feeling the forces of unprecedented disruption. While the medical fraternity is at the frontline in this battle, scientists are at work to find a solution to the pandemic of COVID-19. And science is doing this with one aim in mind, that… Continue reading Three Powerful Portals of Healing

“How Emotions are made”

Emotions are not reactions to the world. You are not a passive receiver of sensory input but an active constructor of your emotions – Dr Lisa Feldman

Reflection leads to Well-being

Care for one’s well-being or others’ wellbeing at its core is a spiritual practice. Reflection in the act of achieving holistic wellbeing plays a powerfully potent role. Reflection is the act of being with your BEING. What can be more potent than this medicine. Tweet During breakdowns in health and wellbeing, reflection is a process that can… Continue reading Reflection leads to Well-being

Yoga – Lessons for Life 2

1. “Part” has the potential to fully support “the whole” and become “wholesome”  In the “Forward Bend Pose”, I cannot forget doing the “Mountain Pose”.  We are conditioned to look at “parts” as having core competencies. Thereby limiting the role of the “part” around only those competencies. We forget that there is huge potential in the… Continue reading Yoga – Lessons for Life 2

Yoga lessons for Life

Yoga and it’s lessons are inseparable from our lives. And here are my favourite top 3 connections: 1. “Doing” something necessitates “undoing” of something else. When one muscle contracts the other one relaxes.  Remember every action has a reaction. But when we choose to do something, we are focused on the “doing” aspect while remaining unconscious to its… Continue reading Yoga lessons for Life