Emotions are not reactions to the world. You are not a passive receiver of sensory input but an active constructor of your emotions – Dr Lisa Feldman
Emotions are not reactions to the world. You are not a passive receiver of sensory input but an active constructor of your emotions – Dr Lisa Feldman
Emotions and thoughts go hand in hand. They don’t play out separately from each other. If you don’t believe it, try getting yourself angry while keeping your mind absolutely blank! On the other hand, emotions are the source of our actions and inactions. Without resourceful emotions such as passion, enthusiasm and optimism, try getting up… Continue reading Having goals leads to well-being
Familiar with the quote – ‘Perfection is the Enemy of Good’ – by Voltaire? If you are like most, you would believe that having heard, read or known something that holds wisdom, we automatically imbibe that in our life. Let me call out a misconception first – we don’t change by knowing things, we change… Continue reading Perfection – The Robber!
How many times, in the stressful environment we live in, apologies are being rendered? As after thoughts. It happens everywhere – in corporate world or in our personal lives. Out of control in a charged situation, words come out unintentionally. And then what follows is a patch-up. More actions, and more words. In these emotionally charged… Continue reading Why feelings matter