
What is Purpose?

Penned down my thoughts as I contemplate on purpose, nudged by #coachingconversations had recently on the topic.    Hope it inspires some of you to contemplate on your ‘purpose’ too!Purpose…It is in the tiny lived moments,It is also in the tiny unlived whispers.It is in the urges and instincts we have always had,It is also in the… Continue reading What is Purpose?

Discomfort – a Necessity for Learning

How often do you covertly dismiss new information that challenges your existing understanding of the world? That is exactly what most of us habitually do. Avoiding the dreaded state of “confusion”!I did just that, this morning. In a Yoga class, as my Guru explained the depths and details of the anatomy of doing a particular… Continue reading Discomfort – a Necessity for Learning

Three Powerful Portals of Healing

We are living at the epitome of uncertainty, facing a seemingly invincible foe and feeling the forces of unprecedented disruption. While the medical fraternity is at the frontline in this battle, scientists are at work to find a solution to the pandemic of COVID-19. And science is doing this with one aim in mind, that… Continue reading Three Powerful Portals of Healing

Having goals leads to well-being

Emotions and thoughts go hand in hand. They don’t play out separately from each other. If you don’t believe it, try getting yourself angry while keeping your mind absolutely blank! On the other hand, emotions are the source of our actions and inactions. Without resourceful emotions such as passion, enthusiasm and optimism, try getting up… Continue reading Having goals leads to well-being

Conflict Within

Making change your BFF

Move to a new country can never be simple. And for most of us such moves are also painful. After all it includes cultures we don’t understand, people we cannot communicate with. Top it with all the work that settling into a new environment entails. All of it is bound to take toll on you –… Continue reading Making change your BFF

Put a full stop to coveting style

Ever secretly envied a team member who hogs the limelight. Their physical presence or tele-presence draws attention while you can’t get enough air time? Or have you ever wished to be endowed with super organisational skills like that colleague who has everything under control, including that wild thing called the inbox? Motivated to learn new tricks and acquire habits we secretly admire… Continue reading Put a full stop to coveting style