
Perfection – The Robber!

Familiar with the quote – ‘Perfection is the Enemy of Good’ – by Voltaire? If you are like most, you would believe that having heard, read or known something that holds wisdom, we automatically imbibe that in our life. Let me call out a misconception first – we don’t change by knowing things, we change… Continue reading Perfection – The Robber!

Conflict Within

Connecting with true reality

With billions of people creating their own realities, will the ‘real’ reality please stand up! I saw a video recently of astronauts viewing the earth – the beautiful blue ball rotating in the darkness of nothingness, and how that view changed them forever. It kicked an absolutely new reality for them. The reality of their… Continue reading Connecting with true reality

What’s your score, for failing?

We love security. We abhor change. We shelter ourselves from change because we fear failing. But thats when we stop living. Because securtity is not secure. It goes contrary to the theme of life. Life is change. On that trail of thought, I believe that even changing our belief system is good. I like to… Continue reading What’s your score, for failing?